Monday, November 23, 2009

Dangers of Tongue

People say, "Your mouth is your tiger, which will anytime devour you". 
Our prophet Mohammad advocated : "What a moslem utters is men is safe from the dangers of their own tongue and arms".
Imam Ali Radhiallhu’anhu stated: ”An evil heart lies in its mouth and an angelic mouth lies in its heart".
At times, human beings are against odds, which is the logical consequence of living a life on earth. Often times, we have to deal with inconceivably unwanted shocks.

We'd better watch our mouth because each word counts. Our prophet stated: "Kullu kalam addu’a, each utterance is prayer". That is why we'd better try to control our temper whenever everything seems to get out of hand, not going just the way we want.

The beloved prophet Mumahammad always stated: "Those who defeat enemies are not necessarily called brave, since those who can take full control of themselves when outraged have more audacity than the previously mentioned ".

Seldom do we realize that patient people are already patient even when the first second s/he hears the bad news that strikes without warning, instead of those who are patient after that.

In Hadist, we can find a story about a bereaved mother who just lost her entire family.  At the time, Muhammad came along to advise her "Stay patient". After Muhammad went away, the woman asked who the man who gave her advice and she knew afterwards that it was Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him). She then came to see Muhammad to find Him saying :” Real patience is one that arises the first seconds when a disaster hits”.



  1. nice posting friends, Great article
    Your mouth is your tiger,

  2. Your mouth is your tiger! Still relevant forever
